Monday, November 30, 2020

Using Audio in Canvas Assignments, Instructions, and Quizzes

In a previous post, we demonstrated how instructors can leave audio or video comments on student submissions. Today we will show you some other uses of the Record/Upload Media function in Canvas.

The Record/Upload Media icon appears frequently in Canvas, not only in the Speedgrader!  In fact, it is a standard menu item in the Content Editor window.

This gives you the ability to record your voice and image on nearly any page in Canvas.  Students will first see the recording as a blue box. Once they click on it, it turns into an audio player that they can control.

Here are some example uses:

1. Read a written text aloud for students.   The written text might be an excerpt from a literary text in the target language, or instructions for a major assignment.  Whether in English or the target language, reading the text aloud allows you to use your voice to emphasize certain aspects of the text.  It also supports universal design principles and reading comprehension.  

2. General instructions at the beginning of a quiz. Here you may remind students of how to manage their time or preview the overall structure of the quiz.

3. Audio within a quiz question. You can record your voice asking a question in the target language and students choose the appropriate response; similarly, you could read a statement aloud and students mark true or false.

Watch for a an upcoming post that demonstrates how students can use the Record/Upload Media feature to share audio responses with you and their peers.

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